Simple Twist of Fate…

How the Hell did I get here day…Oh, I have just lost count at this point.


I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason.  That the universe has a master plan for all of and every choice we make with our free will either leads us to, or away from our intended destination.  When life is going grand, it is of course much easier to see the good in everything and rejoice in our blessings.  When life is looking bleak it is much harder to try and understand why we are facing our current shitastic circumstances.

However, if we take a moment to ponder our life’s journey up until today, what  fabulous  adventures and people would we have missed out on had we not  had to climb up that hill or made it through that storm?  I would not give up a single experience because I do not know what it would have changed in my life.  How different I would be.  Where I would be.

Our scar’s and mended hearts should be worn proudly, badges of honor.  The fact that we get up in the morning and look another day in the face, even in our darkest moment is a true testament that as human beings, we are survivors. Just as the memories that make us smile should be given thanks for everyday. The fact that we experienced something that has given us joy.

The simple twist’s of fate that happen to us everyday should not be underestimated.




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Filed under Independence, The Book of Boo

Manic Monday-What’s your Answer?

The terms ‘peeps’ and ‘tweeps’ totally drive me crazy. What terms make you bonkers?


Terms that actually drive me “bonkers”? as critical as I am this should be an easy one:

1) Moist

2) Cakey

3) Aren’t

4) Any term people feel the need to punctuate  with air quotes

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The Importance of Being Prue…

Prudence Rose

Prue has become my most valued sidekick.  I love all of my furry kids.  However, Prue is the one that is always with me.  She follows me wherever I got, listens to all of my stories without judgment, and can always be counted on to snuggle with me at night.  Everyone needs a Prue, esp when going through the process of trying to change your life.

Through all of my recent self and life evaluation, she has consistently been by my side.  She really is woman’s best friend.





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Filed under The Book of Boo, Things I love

When it snows, you have two choices, shovel, or make snow angels…

I love the snow.  I woke up this morning to a new blanket of white and though it is a pain in the arse to drive in, it makes the world look clean and magical.

How boring would it be if we just had to look at dead foliage and empty tree branches until Spring?  There is beauty in everything.


I just may have to make a snow angel this morning…





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Filed under The Book of Boo, Things I love

Friday Fill-In

1. Up and Away.

2. Love is going around.

3. Coats and scarves, mittens and boots: winter is cold.

4. I really need a nice back rub.

5. I’m thinking about closure.

6. Opions be damned.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to Applebees, tomorrow my plans include laughing and Sunday, I want to see goats…lol

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“A buon intenditor poche parole.” “A word to the wise (is sufficient).”

You gotta learn how to let go, Groceries. Otherwise you’re gonna make yourself sick. Never gonna have a good night’s sleep again. You’ll just toss and turn forever beatin’ yourself for being such a fiasco in life. “Whats wrong with me? How come I screw up all my relationships? Why am I such a failure?”-EPL
How the Hell did I get Here-Day Cinco…
The common denominator in all of my past relationship’s is, of course, me.   
I like to imagine myself at a dinner table with my former flames and friends, where we can graciously discuss the past, laugh a little, cry a little, maybe a few wistful sighs over what could have been and no one leaves angry and all of the issues have been placed neatly away as we all agree that we are all older and wiser.  Closure is found. End Scene *Roll Credits* 
If it were only that easy…
I have never gone into any relationship with the active  intention that it was going to end.  I have never knowingly participated in the breaking of my heart, or anyone else’s.  I did participate in 50% of their destruction, if not more of a percentage in certain instances.
A word to the wise for myself, is to make peace with myself.  The dinner scene is never going to happen, and certain anger and bitterness and resentment is never going to leave, and not everyone is going to forgive me, but I can forgive myself.   I can accept the reality of what was, and what is, and what I want to be.

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Filed under Independence, The Book of Boo

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…

“Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as a friend.”
Elizabeth Gilbert

How the Hell did I get Here-Day Quattro

Introspection sucks ass.  Yes, ass.  I will admit the following about myself:  (and those of you reading this that truly know me will all be shaking your head in agreement)

  • Bitchy
  • Bratty
  • Egotistical
  • Selfish

I think that covers the big nasty ones…but what if I am okay with those? lol  What if I have reached an age where I am good with all my habits?  Wait, I think that defeats the “Independence” purpose…Damn…So, I will also give myself:

  • Funny
  • Witty
  • Kind
  • Loving
  • Caring

I like to think that I can work on removing “Selfish” from the first list and add “Forgiving” to the second list.  Anything is possible, Oprah just found out she has a half sister for Pete’s sake!



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The ABC’s of Wisdom…

How the hell did I get here…day tres..

First, let me say that I was just too damn lazy to post on day two…no other reason, just lazy.

Part of the scary deep dive into self involves that cliche process of “Why am I the way that I am, and who can I blame?” May I take a moment to just say that I would gladly give my right arm to be able to just simply point a finger and say “Your fault! Not it!”. Let’s face it, the guilty party is the one typing these words, and at some point we are all adults and have the ability to make our own choices.

So, I began to wonder where I have gained  any wisdom that I may have, looked for wisdom and lastly, needed wisdom.  Wisdom seemed like a nice trait to start with.  I really didn’t want to start trying to figure out why I am such a bitch right off the bat, I wanted to be a wee bit kind to my self.  I have looked to God, My Church, My family, Friends, Religious Texts, Spirituality, Television, Movies and most of all, literature.

The first writer that really touched me and reeled me in was Robert Fulghum.  I began reading his books in 8th grade.  When I was staring off into space contemplating where to start on the self dissection and where to go first, I decided off the cuff to check out his website for some wisdom, and below is a Journal entry of his that reminded me that sometimes, you just have to march forward and take care of what needs to be done.  I can contemplate until my legs fall asleep in Lotus Position, but action is what is necessary…

REALITY-Robert Fulghum

What is real?
Ontology is the formal study of the nature of existence.
And by nature I’m drawn to the speculations found in philosophy,
poetry, theology, and even the occult sciences.
Where did it all come from? And where is it all going?
Why is there anything at all?
Thinking about worlds of spirit, faith, imagination, dreams, and belief can pleasantly occupy time and energy, but it often leaves me feeling like I’ve been wandering around in a landscape made of Jello mixed with quicksand.
Not much hard ground to stand on.
But some things are realer than others.

If the rear brakes on your car are worn, existential speculation is of no use. You must act at least as if the car is real, as if the condition of the brakes is real. And if you yourself want to continue being real for awhile, you’d best not consult a theologian or a tarot card reader for brake repair.

My banged-up old Ford Brontosaurus was slowly losing stopping power.
Mushy brakes are a different order of reality from mushy thinking.
So the maroon beast was driven carefully into town and placed in the hands of Mike, the mechanic – a man who knows brakes, and he went to work.

Three hours later he emerged from the shop.
“Won’t have any trouble stopping now,” says he. “New rear discs.”
“And I put some goop in the brake fluid so you won’t even have any shuddering on a quick turn or fast stop.”

When Mike says the brakes are fixed and working, I believe him.
This is not an ontological surmise.
When I slammed on the brakes to test them on the way home, bygod I stopped so well I almost put myself through the windshield.

There is room for a lot of creative speculation in this life.
But there’s room for real reality.
And good brakes.

(As I was driving home I wondered what would happen if I drank some of that brake fluid goop? Would it stop my shuddering when I make quick turns or sudden stops? Ah, well, now I’m back to fuzzy thinking and foolish speculation. . .)






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Filed under Independence, The Book of Book

Independence ain’t cheap baby…

”Look for God, look for God like a man with his head on fire looks for water” EPL

How the hell did I get here, Day Uno.  

Aquiring independence is not cheap, nor is it for the faint of heart.  I feel like Jacob Marley with the chains of my sins wrapped around my legs and a mile stretch of baggage that I have to carry.  Realizing that I am for all intents and purposes the the captain of my ship, I also need to realize that there are turbulant, stormy waters that I have purposley sailed into.   “Do Not Enter” ,”Warning, Stay Back!!!!!”, “Enter at your Own Risk”….how many of these signs have I just waved at as I passed by?  My first step, I guess, should be that whole “looking at myself” thing…I must admit that scares me more than Oprah (admit it, you are scared of her too).  Introspection; BUM BUM BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM.  It is a nessecity and these chains and luggage have become heavy and bothersome and are keeping me from catching up to my true happiness.  Ahhhhh, but which suitcase to unpack first? Which Skeleton to dance with and bid farewell? Which chain to bend back?  I feel like I am at the threshold of maze, where anything possible is right around the corner waiting to jump out at me and yell “gotcha!”.  Or, better yet, it is snowing, I am at a hotel in Sidewinder and Jack Nicholsen is chasing me thru said maze with his axe screaming that he doesn’t want to hurt me.

I fully understand that some of the items in my bag’s will not be horrific   But there are things I have not wanted to look at or think about., like my Grandparents.  They were my everything.  I don’t relive or think about my time with them because it is painful.  But those memories too, will be part of my independence.  Unpacking and putting things in their proper place.

“Are you there God? It’s me, Becky, do you a few moments?” 🙂



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Filed under Independence, The Book of Boo

Independence Day.

I have recently become inspired by the book and movie “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.  A particular quote has kept running through my thoughts lately: “See, now that’s your problem. You’re wishin’ too much, baby. You gotta stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone oughtta be.”
Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)

Having spent way too much time wishing for this or that or things to be different in my life, I am declaring today my Independence Day.  I am going to not only decide what I truly want out of this lifetime, but actually plow forward to get there.  I am going to stop wearing my wishbone where my backbone should be.

I firmly believe that there is no glory in being a martyr.

That said, it is easier typed than done, and I see a lot of prayer in my future asking for strength and guidance.

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Being Thankful and Turkey and Pumpkin Pie!!! Oh My!!!

I generally hate Thanksgiving.  My grandfather passed away just before Thanksgiving when I was 15.  I couldn’t stand being in my Grandparents house once they were both gone, so I went home right after the funeral with my cousin Roberta and we celebrated Thanksgiving together with a Meatloaf.  That day I decided that life was never truly going to be okay ever again.

However, with age, wisdom does come.  That old adage is absolutely true. I like to consider myself a work in progress.

I had to learn to see what my blessing’s were, and to always be thankful, even if I don’t feel thankful at that moment.  Today I am going to be thankful for my family, my friends, for every experience that has gotten me to where I am.  I would love to say that moving forward I will remember to be thankful everyday, but let’s be honest…it’s baby steps. 🙂





Thanksgiving is possible only for those who take time to remember; no one can give thanks who has a short memory.  ~Author Unknown

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Filed under Family, The Book of Boo

Thanking our Soldiers…

In lieu of Thursday Thirteen I am posting a poem I came across today…Thank you to my Brothers, My Biological Dad, My Grandfather, My Father In-Law, My Cousin Tim,  My Step Brother Jonas, My Uncles, James B, Jessica C and all the others who have given of themselves to protect us.  I know for a fact I take for granted my Freedom as I go about my day, so at least for today I thank you for keeping me and mine safe.  God Bless.

The soldier stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.
‘Step forward now, you soldier,
How shall I deal with you ?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?’
The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
‘No, Lord, I guess I ain’t.
Because those of us who carry guns,
Can’t always be a saint.
I’ve had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was tough.
And sometimes I’ve been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny,
That wasn’t mine to keep…
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
When the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
I’ve wept unmanly tears.
I know I don’t deserve a place,
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around,
Except to calm their fears.
If you’ve a place for me here, Lord,
It needn’t be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don’t, I’ll understand.
There was a silence all around the throne,
Where the saints had often trod.
As the soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
‘Step forward now, you soldier,
You’ve borne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven’s streets,
You’ve done your time in Hell.’
Author Unknown~

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Wordless Wednesday

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Lyric’s make the World go ’round

It is one of those day’s when a song keeps going through my head…


Looking out across suburban yards to the construct of our days through the thinning of the trees.

Why can I only build a house of cards? That gets blown to pieces with the fall’s first fickle breeze.

When I feel that stirring, the illicit kiss. That’s just the cool tongue of the devil with a sucker in his midst.

chorus: One day I’ll change you’ll be the first one that I call. I owe you an apology too many thanks and that’s not all.

I’ve been running long before I learned to crawl.

My calendar lies crumbled laid to waste. It’s been scrawled on, thumbed through and changed.

Will this be the measure of my days? Dinners and appointments and deadlines I can’t make.

And when I start to see I start to see it making sense for me. That’s just hope springing eternally.

Outside the summer’s gone for good. Dying impatiens stacked up wood.

My friend will get together to cook. To talk about what happened to take a second look.

The master loves the servant who blind heeds him. The husband the obedient wife.

The snake will always bite the hand that feeds him. Even if you love him even if you save his life.


*Indigo Girls*

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Manic Monday

Just another Manic Monday…Whoa….and Chocolate.

I am what you would call a “researcher”.  When something catches my fancy I tend to devote time into gathering more information about it. I always just seem to want to “know more”. We all have our tick’s do we not?

One of the topic’s that I trend to is whatever the latest diet craze that is being splashed around the web is and how to eat healthier.  What I DON’T do is actually follow up said research with eating healthier.  I could most likely parrot back to you many way’s to eat healthier, what are good carbs versus bad carbs, etc. etc. ad nauseam.  In my defense however, I have also read up on Sky Diving, Plumbing and Building your own Greenhouse.  None of which is anything that will see fruition from me.

I am not sure whether I have programmed myself into believing that I like to eat what I eat and that is the final say or if I truly only like the things that I like and cannot make myself change my tastes.  I do find it ironic that as I am having a “cup o’ frosting” for dinner, I will be reading up on the benefits of green vegetables and their consumption.  I like how the frosting tastes, I don’t like how “Light something with a side of fresh something” tastes.

So, I pose this question:  “what is the first step to being healthier?

Oh, in case any of you were wondering, I had chocolate fudge for breakfast and I am planning on Fruity Pebbles for dinner.


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Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things I do not understand…

  1. Why anyone thinks the Three Stooges are funny
  2. Eating anything that  begins with “I Can’t Believe It’s Not….”
  3. Anyone thinking they can find true love on a reality show
  4. Why the straw either doesn’t go into the Capri Sun or goes all the way through the Capri Sun
  5. Why I cannot fall asleep in complete darkness, isn’t it dark when I close my eyes?
  6. I still won’t pick up a penny if it’s face down, bad luck!
  7. I still try to not step on sidewalk crack’s
  8. Smelly Markers
  9. Light Beer
  10. Diet Mountain Dew
  11. That there really is always room for Jell-O
  12. The sound of the Ice cream truck makes me instantly look for change
  13. Why Yankee Candle has not released a candle called “Pumpkin Guts” when so many of us love that smell. 🙂



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Stitched on a Sampler

If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character…Would you slow down? Or speed up?”  Chuck Palahniuk

That quote is thought provoking.  However, I am unsure if I would speed up, or slow it down. 
Don’t we all have a delicate balance of both going on inside of us daily?   Being in Hillman with my toes in the water is a moment I would want to slow down.  The day when your heart is broken and the world feels like it is caving in, I would gladly speed it up.

I read, or heard somewhere, at some point, (could I be more vague?) that when we are reincarnated, we are always with the same souls, just in different roles, for each lifetime.That is comforting. 

If I knew that I was able to keep those I love and cherish with me, I would change costumes gladly.

I am just not sure how fast I would want to.  If I was “Queen of the World” why would I want to rush that?

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Wordless Wednesday

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When people ask us where we find comfort, generally we always answer with the big things:

1)      Family

2)      Food

3)      Drink

However, what are the little things that we find comfort in?  I have read many articles regarding the changing in attitudes brought on about the recession: people finding more life and more love with less money. I like to think that as a country, we are going back to the basics and maybe seeing what is important; the whole needs versus wants war

I wish that I could say I have always been one of those people who could freely say that money was not everything and that true happiness is not your job, or where you live, etc, etc.  However, for a large percentage of my life there was a laundry list of items that when attained, would signal “I have made it”.  The angels would sing, my expensive car would gleam and I would have proven that this girl was able to have it all.  Fate and the Economy had other plans.

Through my last lay-off of 8 months, and my husband’s lay-off prior to that I had no choice to re-evaluate needs and wants, learn to live with less.  I survived.  Ironically, once I got over the doomsday feeling in my stomach and uncurled myself from the ball I was in, I was okay.

My comforts that I needed to be happy were not that big at all, time with my family, game night, making dinners at home, snuggling with my furry kids while reading a book, playing board games with my husband on a Friday night and drinking a bottle of Merlot.

Two years ago I grew vegetables because I love gardening, this summer I did it because I loved it, AND it would save us money.  Having a salad made by Holly from items that we had grown was fun!  It was an accomplishment that we could all share and smile about.

Sitting here typing, with Jake at my feet and Prue snoring on my pillow with a margarita made with love, I am comfortable.  Could my house be bigger? Could it be finished? Could my bills not worry me so much? Absolutely, but snug in my home I can have hope that tomorrow is always a new adventure and my small comforts are always waiting for me.

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Filed under The Book of Book

Manic Monday #225

It’s autumn, what do you like best?

Do you eat chestnuts, berries or anything else free to be found in nature? Give us a recipe.

Do you have special autumn memories?


I love everything about Autumn, the changing of the colors, the pumpkins, apples, hayrides, bonfires, flannel shirts and hoodies, Halloween, Thanksgiving, EVERYTHING!  It is absolutley hands down, my favorite holiday.

Um, I don’t cook…does baking pumpkin seeds count? 🙂

My favorite Autumn memories are going with my Uncle Robert to pick out my pumpkin from his garden and the Halloweens that I have spent with Mike and the girls.

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I am bacccccccccccccccccccccccck.

Yes, I had moved my blog, then due to economic reasons, stopped paying for the hosted site, so here I am again at WordPress 🙂  I miss writing. It is a good outlet for me.   So, 2.0 is here…*insert dramatic music*

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Observations from the Long Way can now be found at:

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Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Studio :: 54
  2. Meetup :: Lunch
  3. Ostrich :: Feathers
  4. Jokes :: Giggle
  5. Estranged :: People
  6. Random ::Happenings
  7. Slap ::Happy
  8. Hotel room :: Vacation
  9. Inscribe :: Deep
  10. Polar :: Bear

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Dirt is Therapy

You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt.  ~Author Unknown

It was beautiful weather here today.  Cold, but sunny.  It is such a wonderful feeling to have the sun wash over your face after such a long winter of gray days.  The warming up of the world makes me daydream of my gardens and the endless possibilities in the dirt.

Gardening is my therapy.  Hours of playing in the soil, planting, watching things grow fills me with a sense of inner calm and and overall peace.

I planned out where to plant my seeds.  How best to get the plants to live and grow together.  Happily ignoring any current dilema’s and stress for the wisful thoughts of Pumpkins, Lavender, Begonias and the yummy smelling Chocolate Mint.

There is no better way to find a pure moment of bliss, then to have dirt covered hands and clothes and know that you are as close to Mother Nature as you can ever be.

The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God’s heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy Frances Gurney, “Garden Thoughts”

“Gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow.”

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Wordless Wednesday


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Happy Birthday Mommy!!!!

My mom turns 5* today. ..

She is smart, funny, stubborn as hell and is stronger than she gives herself credit for, an amazing rich laugh, a wicked temper and knows what I am thinking before I say it.

No matter how old I get, she can still give me a look that makes me feel like I am going to get grounded at any moment.

Though we drive each other crazy I love her very much and would never want anybody else to be my mom.  However, there are times when I am sure she would like to trade me in. 🙂

I also know that she loves me more than anybody else on the planet, warts and all.

So, Happy Birthday Mom!  I love and adore you very much!becky-mom

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Filed under Family, The Book of Boo


Based on the premise from the Bill Murry movie “Groundhog Day” had an interesting request for readers to send in their story, videos or pictures of a day they would want to re-live or do-over (See above link).

It is an interesting opportuntity to think about…

It could be a gift or a curse to able to relive a moment in time.  Very tempting to be able to go back, with today’s knowledge, to have a “do-over” on something or someone.

I can’t help but wonder though if  reliving a moment multiple times would some how cheapen it.  Like when I discover a new song that I like and I listen it to so much that it eventually does not bring as much enjoyment.


February 2 of each year, when, according to rural American tradition, the groundhog leaves the burrow where it has been hibernating to discover whether cold winter weather will continue. If the groundhog cannot see its shadow, it remains above ground ending its hibernation, but if its shadow is visible (that is, if the sun is shining), six more weeks of cold weather will ensue, and the animal returns to its burrow.

An article from Funk & Wagnalls® New Encyclopedia. © 2006 World Almanac Education Group.

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Friday Fill-In

1. I’d really like  to hop on a plane to someplace warm right now.

2. F*&^! is the word you’d most often hear me say if I stubbed my toe.

3. Possession is 9/10th of the law.

4.  I heart Captain Jack Sparrow.

5. Marshmallows and fire go together like Siegfried and Roy.

6. The cold weather seems to go on and on.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to Rock Band with Holly , tomorrow my plans include seeing my family and Sunday, I want to go tanning and feel warm!

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Wordless Wednesday


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Another Ship Sails…

Things seem to be more real once actions/feelings and moments are placed into the written word.  A daydream is nothing more than a passing few moments of joy or sorrow, not truly a reality.

Writing has always been my therapy, a way to neatly tuck and store anything and everything in my life so that it can be cataloged into its proper place.  I have tried several times to write this post, and each time, I have slammed the laptop closed and stomped my foot and headed for a glass of wine.

My cousin Richie passed suddenly on January the 7th.  He was a fabulous person and saying that he will be missed in an understatement.  A Son, Brother, Father and soon to be Grandfather, he has left a very large ache in the hearts of his family and friends.

For the second time in 10 months, I watched parents  bury their child.  It is so against how the natural order of things should be, that I wanted to scream, throw-up, yell at God, and curl up in a ball.

There is a circle in my family comprised of myself and my cousins that remember the small town where we all come from, life with our grandparents, summers up north, winters in the snow.  I was the baby and they were the cool kids I pestered to drag me along where ever they went.  We are one short now and stunned.

I could look at Richie and say ” I really miss them” and he knew what I meant, he knew my pain. His idea of home and mine were pretty much the same “Up North”.

I smile when I think he is with our grandparents now.  In my head and heart he just got back Up-North before the rest of us.  My Grandmother opened the door and Grandpa handed him a beer…

Because I could not stop for death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality.
Emily Dickinson

I am ready to meet my maker, but whether my maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.
Winston Churchill

For the record, death sucks arse.  It isn’t fair.

We all miss you Richie.


Richard Sutherby

July 27, 1967-January 7, 2009


Filed under The Book of Boo

New Present Adventures

Scene:  My kitchen

Action: Utilization of new bread maker

Motivation: Wanting bread

Characters: Holly and Rebecca


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Friday Fill-In

1. The world is just a long field trip.

2. UGH!” was the last thing I said.

3. I wonder what the next year will bring.

4. You should give thanks at the end of all things.

5. There’s something to be said for warm chocolate chip cookies.

6. South Beach, on the beach, with a Cosmo is where I want to be.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to baking, tomorrow my plans include writing and Sunday, I want to not dread going back to work on Monday!

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Filed under Friday Fill-Ins

Welcome 2009!

I generally have an overwhelming sense of “blah” on the first day of the new year.  Being on the downward slope of the holiday crest is generally a large let down.  However, I am very excited for 2009.  I have voted and declined to write down any resolutions.  I think I will stick with a simple “just do better”.  That seems to be simple enough.  Straight Forward.  It is also easy to remember, which is a nice bonus.    So, here is a raised glass to what was, and all the exciting things to come.

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Turkey, Pie and Football…

thanksgivingThanksgiving is a good day to remind ourselves that even at our worst there is always something to be thankful for.  Even if it is just for today, look only at the silver lining of your clouds.  It helps to eat allot when pushing the limits of your optimism too,

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Thanksgiving Fun Facts

From our Friends at the History Channel…

Thanksgiving Fun Facts

Over the Years

Though many competing claims exist, the most familiar story of the first Thanksgiving took place in Plymouth Colony, in present-day Massachusetts, in 1621. More than 200 years later, President Abraham Lincoln declared the final Thursday in November as a national day of thanksgiving. Congress finally made Thanksgiving Day an official national holiday in 1941.

Sarah Josepha Hale, the enormously influential magazine editor and author who waged a tireless campaign to make Thanksgiving a national holiday in the mid-19th century, was also the author of the classic nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”

In 2001, the U.S. Postal Service issued a commemorative Thanksgiving stamp. Designed by the artist Margaret Cusack in a style resembling traditional folk-art needlework, it depicted a cornucopia overflowing with fruits and vegetables, under the phrase “We Give Thanks.”

On the Roads

Despite record-high gas prices (more than $3.00 per gallon) in 2007, the American Automobile Association (AAA) estimated that 38.7 million Americans would travel 50 miles or more from home for the Thanksgiving holiday, a slight increase (1.5 percent) over the previous year.

Of those Americans traveling for Thanksgiving in 2007, approximately 80 percent (31.2 million) were expected to go by motor vehicle, 12.1 percent (4.7 million) by airplane and the rest (2.8 million) by train, bus or other mode of transportation.

On the Table

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Minnesota is the top turkey-producing state in America, with a planned production total of 49 million in 2008. Just six states—Minnesota, North Carolina, Arkansas, Virginia, Missouri and Indiana—will probably produce two-thirds of the estimated 271 million birds that will be raised in the U.S. this year.

The National Turkey Federation estimated that 46 million turkeys—one fifth of the annual total of 235 million consumed in the United States in 2007—were eaten at Thanksgiving.

In a survey conducted by the National Turkey Federation, nearly 88 percent of Americans said they eat turkey at Thanksgiving. The average weight of turkeys purchased for Thanksgiving is 15 pounds, which means some 690 million pounds of turkey were consumed in the U.S. during Thanksgiving in 2007.

The cranberry is one of only three fruits—the others are the blueberry and the Concord grape—that are entirely native to North American soil, according to the Cape Cod Cranberry Growers’ Association.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest pumpkin pie ever baked weighed 2,020 pounds and measured just over 12 feet long. It was baked on October 8, 2005 by the New Bremen Giant Pumpkin Growers in Ohio, and included 900 pounds of pumpkin, 62 gallons of evaporated milk, 155 dozen eggs, 300 pounds of sugar, 3.5 pounds of salt, 7 pounds of cinnamon, 2 pounds of pumpkin spice and 250 pounds of crust.

Around the Country

Three towns in the U.S. take their name from the traditional Thanksgiving bird, including Turkey, Texas (pop. 465); Turkey Creek, Louisiana (pop. 363); and Turkey, North Carolina (pop. 270).

Originally known as Macy’s Christmas Parade—to signify the launch of the Christmas shopping season—the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade took place in New York City in 1924. It was launched by Macy’s employees and featured animals from the Central Park Zoo. Today, some 3 million people attend the annual parade and another 44 million watch it on television.

Tony Sarg, a children’s book illustrator and puppeteer, designed the first giant hot air balloons for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1927. He later created the elaborate mechanically animated window displays that grace the façade of the New York store from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

Snoopy has appeared as a giant balloon in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade more times than any other character in history. As the Flying Ace, Snoopy made his sixth appearance in the 2006 parade.

The first time the Detroit Lions played football on Thanksgiving Day was in 1934, when they hosted the Chicago Bears at the University of Detroit stadium, in front of 26,000 fans. The NBC radio network broadcast the game on 94 stations across the country–the first national Thanksgiving football broadcast. Since that time, the Lions have played a game every Thanksgiving (except between 1939 and 1944); in 1956, fans watched the game on television for the first time.

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Hate the deed not the breed, please and thank you…

Very rarely do I bring my causes to my blog.  I am not sure why.  This blog is my electronic soap box…

Let me start with this statement…A breed of dog does not determine its full temperment, a dog is behaved or misbehaved based on its upbringing and training.  If one more person bashes the Pitbull, German Shepared, Rottweiler population I may lose even more faith in humanity.

My brother in law and his family adopted a Pitbull from a rescue as a puppy.  Pudge was one of the sweetest, kindest, well behaved dogs I ever had the pleasure to know.  The neihbors even loved him.  Check that, the neihbors loved him until they realized what his breed was.  Then, overnight, Pudge was to be feared.

How utterly ridiculous and ignorant.

Due to the fact that complete and utter waste of space individuals like Michael Vic believe that dog fighting is okay because hey, its just an animal, other individuals believe that a dog can be dangerous for the simple fact that it exists.

The newest member to my household is Jake.  Jake was a rescue from the Humane Society.  He is humble and sweet and very smart.  The only danger anyone faces from him is being licked to death.  I have never seen a puppy so excited to have a home and a bed and to receive affection.

Jake is half Pit-bull and half German Shepard.  It still boggles my mind that people adore him when they meet him and he instantly charms them.  Then, when they ask “what is he?” and receive the honest answer, they back away or I get the “oh, he is dangerous”.


Oh yes, the big scary Jake…

Please, don’t judge an animal on the blatant ignorance and stupidity of others.  Animals do have rights, and it is our job to be their voice.

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Friday Fill In

1. The last band I saw live was AC/DC.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is good food.
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is so not even started.
4. Thoughts of the book I am trying to finish writing fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear jeans that didn’t have to be “short” or “petite”.
6. Bagpipes are amazing when they are played well.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to writing tomorrow my plans include writing and Sunday, I want to write!

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Wordless Wednesday


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Books – the best antidote against the marsh-gas of boredom and vacuity.  ~George Steiner

Books can be dangerous.  The best ones should be labeled “This could change your life.”  ~Helen Exley

Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house.  ~Henry Ward Beecher

One of the best things my mother ever did for me was foster my love of reading and of books.  Once I learned how to read, she always made sure that I had plenty at my disposal.  She bought me “Classic’s for Kids” when I was in the 4th grade.  Pretty sure I was the only 4th grader who fell in love with “A Tale of Two Cities” and “The Works of Edgar Allen Poe”.  Its an amazing gift she gave me that I will forever be thankful for.

 You can escape into a book for however long you desire.   They give comfort, enjoyment, cure boredom and massage your brain into thinking.  I borrow books from the library, but I prefer to own them.  Hey, some people collect salt and pepper shakers, so no judging 🙂  I love my stack and shelves of books.  I love marking the pages.  I love re-reading a book I haven’t read in a few years and looking at it in a completley different way then I did the first time.

My good friend Nancy is a an amazing writer and published author.   When I bought her book and held it, I was in complete and utter awe.  She followed her heart’s desire and has a piece of immortality.

Someday, when I am a published author, I hope that my book is on someone’s shelf too. 




 Book’s are a fevered  passion of mine. 

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Looks up from daze…”It snowed?”

I long ago concluded that I am oblivious to my surrondings.  I have an annoying habit (to others, not to myself) of becoming completing lost in my thoughts and totally unaware of my physical universe.

I am always walking into things, people, both at the same time…

I always have my I-pod and a book at the ready for when I am  stuck in a line or left waiting longer than 2.3 minutes. These two things never seem to help me observe my surrondings.  Without those two weapons at the ready, I start either making up stories about the people around in my head for amusement, or my mind wonders in tangents that Indiana Jones could not follow.

Recently my in-ablity to look around me has also encompassed the weather.  Walking into the office the other day, I looked around and realized my co-workers were trudging in in their full winter gear…then it struck me I was a little cold.   At what point did I stop realizing the seasons were changing?  How did I not realize that snow was a really good bet lately?

It cannot be a good thing.

2 dictionary results for: Absentminded Unabridged (v 1.1)Cite This SourceShare This


so lost in thought that one does not realize what one is doing, what is happening, etc.; preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings.
Also, ab⋅sent⋅mind⋅ed.


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Friday Fill-In #98

1. Please feel free to not be a jerkface.
2. When I carve pumpkins I can’t help sniffing it occasionally.
3. My favorite thing to cook is Pasta Pernata.
4. Soda is something I can’t get enough of.
5. That’s the thing I love most about Prue.
6. Sweatshirts that just say “Up North” always make me think to myself, what the heck?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to watching movies, tomorrow my plans include Lunch with my Aunts and Cousins and Sunday, I want to not have any plans and play it by ear!

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Happy Veterans Day!

Please remember all the men and woman who have served our great country today.    Without their bravery and sacrifice there are freedoms we would not be able to enjoy and take for granted.

Yes, I am patrotic, yes I adore my country, and yes there are things that drive me crazy about it as well.  However, there is no other place that I would ever want to live.

I live in Democracy and I am free.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping me safe.

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Cold Rainy Sundays…

Cold, rainy Sundays give me the perfect excuse to stay snuggled in blankets and read or watch really bad TV.  Holly and I spent the day huddled together on the couch while I introduced her to The Addams Family and The Muensters.  It is allot of fun sharing things that made me smile when I was child.  Watching those episodes with her reminded me of watching those shows with my own mother.


“Becky, if you watched these with Grandma Linda how old are they??”

“Why are they in black and white, couldn’t they color them in?”munsters

There is comfort in that ritual of just hanging out together and watching silly things.  Being nestled in my home while the cold bitter wind is having a party outside.

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Friday Fill In


1. My blueprint for success includes being happy.
2. Peanut M&M’s was the last candy I ate.
3. The best facial moisturizer I’ve ever used is Philosophy “Hope is Not Enough”.
4. Kickboxing can be good therapy.
5. I’d like to tell you about animal rights
6. Determined is my strongest characteristic.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to writing, tomorrow my plans include painting and Sunday, I want to nap!

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Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Songs I always sing along with…(and always have on my ipod at the ready)

1) The Gambler

2) Copa Cabana

3) You are my Sunshine

4) Werewolf in London

5) Little Less Action

6) Mambo Italiano

7) Back in Black

8) Thriller

9) Unicorn Song

10) Jingle Bells

11) 9-5

12) I am the Walrus

13) Respect

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Wordless Wednesday


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People Watching…

I will freely admit, that I am a people watcher.   There are times when I have to remind myself to stop staring.  People fascinate me.  Families that have multiplies completley suck in my attention.  My first encounter with this was a chance viewing of a documentary on TLC of the Duggar family.  They are #1 at top of my people watching list.  I believe at that time they only had (16) children. (  They now have 18.  I am simply amazed and in awe.  There are mornings when I feel like I am going to have a melt down because I cannot locate my car keys, and this is when I am only worrying about getting myself out the door.    These brave individuals are raising 18 children!

There are many opinions that have been put out there about the amount of children they have had etc.  I have decided that is not for me to judge. If they are ready, willing and able, then more power to them.

The Duggars draw me in.  Even while living in a tiny ranch home with that many individuals, they seemed to have made the best of the situation and counted every one of their blessings.  That is inspiring to me.

I just cannot stop watching their shows, or reading about them.  I am a true Duggar fan.    Stay tuned for my addiction to John and Kate Plus 8…I suppose this means the Duggars were my gateway family…

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Friday Fill-In

1. My favorite food seasoning is Garlic.
2. Rain is music to my ears.
3. Lucky is 13.
4. Animal Rights is something I take very seriously.
5. Many people don’t understand me.
6. Candy was the last thing I bought at the store.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to Halloween festivities, tomorrow my plans include a football game and Sunday, I want to stay in bed all day!

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Places to go on the best night of the year…

In honor of my very favorite holiday here are some spooky links that I visit often.

What better day than today to give yourself a little fright?  Happy and safe hauntings this year!

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